Pastoral Council
Advises the pastor regarding all matters relating to the mission and life of the parish. Some members are elected from the congregation and others are appointed by the pastor. Contact: Kelli Cross, 919-357-2079, [email protected]
Finance Council
As required under Canon Law and the diocese of Raleigh, the Finance Council has the obligation of planning, providing for, and supervising the financial affairs of the parish, making regular reports to the parishioners, the pastor, and the diocese, and recommending courses of action to the pastor. It oversees parish income and expenditures, oversees the development of an annual budget, and presents an annual financial report to the parish. Contact: Tom Dunham, 919-632-3465, [email protected]
Adult Faith Formation Committee
Assists the parish staff **(**Deacon Byron Champagne) in providing programs, events, missions, and retreats to help Catholics grow closer to Christ through study, fellowship, community, and prayer. They meet on the 2nd Monday of the month. Contact: Bob Bowerman, 919-847-4808, [email protected]
Welcome and Engage Committee
Sponsors programs and events to attract and welcome newcomers warmly and to participate fully in the community and service aspects of parish life. In addition, they help ministry leaders to effectively communicate important parish information. They meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 630pm. Contacts: Curt Williams, 919-815-3494, [email protected] or Bob bowerman 919-847-4808, [email protected]
Altar Servers (Acolytes) assist the priest and deacon during Masses and other liturgies. Open to boys and girls, 3rd grade and up. Contact: Austin Faur, 919-861-4601, [email protected] For more info press HERE